
Automating Annual Checkups


Annual Investment Checkups

Product Design @ WealthBar


The Problem

Our mandatory annual checkups were being done manually, leading to wasted staff time and a poor response rate from clients.


The Solution

Automate the process as much as possible to enable clients to self-serve, increase response rate, and save staff time.


Collaborating with the team to create a service blueprint was critical in understanding the current process and its gaps – for both clients and staff.

Below are the service blueprints I created in collaboration with stakeholders, the project team, and staff conducting the checkups.

This led to the final user flow:


From there, I started prototyping the client-facing interface.

To click through the prototype yourself, here’s Round 1 and Round 2.

Usability Testing

I ran a few usability tests, which identified points of confusion leading to revisions to improve the design.


  • Revise “opt-in” wording

  • Set up expectations at the beginning: “it only takes a few minutes” / “simply answer a couple of questions”

  • Mention email option before phone, not vice versa

  • Link users to different sections or improve profile navigation


  • “Opt-in” makes the checkup sound non-essential

  • Users were thinking, “I hope this doesn’t take too long”

  • 2/3 users said they would probably ignore the email

  • All users weren’t interested in a phone call

  • Ending the workflow in the client profile was confusing, especially on mobile

Final Client UI

Below are the final designs for Clients, allowing clients to complete their checkup quickly and with no staff followup.


Final Staff UI

On the Staff side, they’re able to view 1) a client’s status, 2) the last point of contact, and 3) if action is required.


So, what was the impact?


Users that complete with zero staff intervention


Number of conversations prevented for staff